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Music Guidelines

Available openings for both the hymn accompanist and special music are posted online on our Services page.

Hymn Accompanist

  • Opening Hymn
  • "Go Now in Peace" (hymn 123)
  • "Spirit of Life" (hymn 413) [As an intro, please play the first four bars, "Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me"]
  • Post-sermon Hymn

Special Music

Each week must include the following:

  1. Introit
  2. Meditation
  3. Offertory Anthem

Optional additions include:

  1. Prelude: immediately before the start of the service. Please email Rev. Carl () with the approximate length of your prelude, so that he will know when to ring the bell and say, "We invite you to begin centering yourself with our Prelude," which will be your cue to begin.
  2. Postlude: "traveling" music as the congregation leaves the sanctuary, so should usually be something short & usually upbeat (usually no more than ~1-2 minutes).

Note on Timing: In total, the four pieces of special music during the service itself (Introit, Meditation, Anthem, & Postlude) should be ~13-15 minutes in combined length. So a set of selections might look something like the following:
  • Introit (~3-4 minutes)
  • Meditation (~3-4 minutes)
  • Anthem (~3-5 minutes)
  • Postlude (~1-2 minute)
The above is not set in stone. Please be in conversation with Rev. Carl if you anticipate your selections to, in total, be significantly shorter or longer that the above times.

Submission Deadline

Please email your music selections to no later than Noon on the Wednesday before your Sunday. Many thanks!

The short link to this page is frederickuu.org/MusicGuidelines.