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Help: Tables

Tables are made up of columns (vertical), rows (horizontal) and cells. In Easy Markup, each cell can be defined separately or an entire row of cells defined.

  • Start a table - "{|"
  • Start a new row - "|-"
  • Start a new cell - "|"
  • Start a heading cell - "!"
  • End a table - "|}"

To put several cells on the same line, separate them with double bars ("||")

Here is a sample table:

What you type What it looks like
Col1 Col2

Table Classes

The "class" (format) of a table is given on the first line of a table after the "{|. Built-in classes are:

  • blank (e.g. {| blank) - No lines separating columns or rows
  • pretty (e.g. {| pretty) - Gray title line, like table above

Styling Table Elements

Table columns, rows, cells, or whole tables can be styled individually to combine cells and give them styling classes.

  • Style a table - "{|  class style"
  • Style a row - "|-  class style"
  • Style a cell- "|  cols rows class style| rest of cell"

Here is a sample table:

What you type What it looks like
|1 2|A
|background-color: yellow|C
|border:2px solid blue|D
Col1 Col2